Fernanda Dórea
Title:Epidemiologist, veterinarian, PhD
Research area :Data analysis for decision making in animal health, in particular for the design of surveillance. Transforming data to information, the most effective and accessible way, is the goal of her research.
Current projects
Infectious Disease decision-support tools and Alert systems (IDAlert)
Start/end:2022 - 2027
Project manager :Anna Omazic
Living One Health Risk Assessment tool: L'ORA
Start/end:2022 - 2025
Project manager :Susanna Sternberg Lewerin
Digitalisation of the Veterinary public sector to improve safety and preparedness
Start/end:2021 - 2023
Project manager :Fernanda Dórea
Wildlife and One Health: wildlife ecology, health surveillance and interaction with livestock, human population and environment Ref.:...
Start/end:2023 - 2030
Project manager :Dolores Gavier-Widén
vetsyn: an R package for syndromic surveillance
Start/end:2013 - 2030
Project manager :Fernanda Dórea
Real-time data analyses and information system to support animal disease prevention and control
Start/end:2018 - 2021
Project manager :Fernanda Dórea
Early detection of production and health problems to reduce losses in pig production
Start/end:2018 - 2021
Project manager :Fernanda Dórea
One health surrveillance initiative on harmonization of data collection and interpretation (ORION)
Start/end:2018 - 2021
Project manager :Fernanda Dórea
All projects
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