General and targeted disease surveillance

General disease surveillance involves diagnosis of disease and cause of death through necropsy, histopathology and ancillary testing of wildlife found sick or dead. Also, monitoring of reports from the public, other authorities, social media, and news sources is included in detecting disease or increased mortality in wildlife.
Targeted disease surveillance involves targeted sampling and examination of sick or healthy wildlife to investigate specific diseases or disease-causing agents. Most often, these investigations are initiated by findings from general disease surveillance, or when information about emerging diseases or ongoing outbreaks is reported within Sweden or in neighbouring countries.
Wildlife diseases in focus
Some of the wildlife diseases SVA focuses on are
- African Swine Fever, ASF
- Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)
- Highly pathogen avian influenza
- Salmonella Choleraesuis in wild boar
- Tularemia
- Rabbit viral hemorragic disease