Tobias Lilja
Research area :Mosquitoes, genetic identification, DNA-barcoding, vectorborne diseases, mobile DNA-sequencing
My work concerns mosquitoes as disease vectors and strive to clarify the distribution of mosquito species throughout Sweden and how that affects risk for spread of disease. I also study environmental factors affecting the presence of flood-water mosquitoes in the river Dalälven floodplains. I use DNA sequencing for species identification and population genetic studies of mosquitoes. Further, I also work with portable DNA sequencing and how to apply this for detection and classification of bacteria and viruses.
Current projects
Overwintering of eggs from invasive mosquitoes in Sweden
Start/end:2024 - 2025
Project manager :Disa Eklöf
Preparedness against emerging mosquito-borne viral threats
Start/end:2021 - 2024
Project manager :Tobias Lilja
Project title is only available in Swedish (56)
Start/end:2017 - 2018
Project manager :Tobias Lilja
All projects
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