A contact person from each institute is listed at the beginning of each paragraph.

Jonas BonnedahlLinköping University (LiU)Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Linköping, Sweden. Telephone: 0046 7203692. Email: jonas.bonnedahl@liu.se |
Hanna Woksepp Region Kalmar County, Department of Research and Linnaeus University Kalmar Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences, Sweden. Telephone: 0046 762674982 Email: hanna.woksepp@regionkalmar.se |
Stefan BörjessonSchool of Health Sciences, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden Telephone: 0046 702323131. Email: stefan.borjesson@oru.se |
Karin Persson WallerNational Veterinary Institute (SVA) Department of Animal Health and Antimicrobial Strategies, Uppsala, Sweden Telephone: 0046 18674672 Email: karin.persson-waller@sva.se |
Maria Rincón Gracia National Veterinary Institute (SVA) Department of Animal Health and Antimicrobial Strategies, Uppsala, Sweden Telephone: 0046 18675213 Email: maria.rincon.gracia@sva.se |
Thomas Rosendal National Veterinary Institute (SVA) Department of Disease Control and Epidemiology, Uppsala, Sweden Telephone: 0046 18674352 Email: thomas.rosendal@sva.se |
Robert Söderlund National Veterinary Institute (SVA) Department of Microbiology, Uppsala, Sweden Telephone: 0046 18674014 Email: robert.soderlund@sva.se |
Pawel KrzeminskiNorwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) Department of Environmental Chemistry and Technology, Oslo, Norway Telephone: 0047 98215464 Email: Pawel.Krzeminski@niva.no |
Carsten Schwermer Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) Environmental Chemistry and Technology, Oslo, Norway Telephone: 0047 95728537 Email: csc@niva.no |
Andy J. GreenEstación Biológica de Doñana, Consejo Superiorde Investigaciones Cientificas (EBD-CSIC) Department of Wetland Ecology, Sevilla, Spain Telephone: 0034 954466700 Email: ajgreen@ebd.csic.es |
Victor Martin Estación Biológica de Doñana, Consejo Superiorde Investigaciones Cientificas (EBD-CSIC) Department of Wetland Ecology, Sevilla, Spain Telephone: 0034 954466700. Email: victormartin@ebd.csic.es |
Olfa MahjoubNational Research Institute for Rural Engineering Water, and Forestry (INRGREF) Department of Chemistry Laboratory for Water-Soil-Sludge. Telephone: 00216 71718055 Email: olfama@gmail.com |
Rachida Aouay National Research Institute for Rural Engineering Water, and Forestry (INRGREF) Department of Chemistry Laboratory for Water-Soil-Sludge. Email: rachida.away@gmail.com |
Wejdene MansourFaculty of medicine Ibn Al-Jazzar Sousse (FMS) Department of Microbiology. Telephone: 00216 58926652 Email: wejdene.mansour@gmail.com |
Yosra Mani Faculty of medicine Ibn Al-Jazzar Sousse (FMS) Department of Microbiology. Telephone: 00216 73222108 Email: yosramani1989@gmail.com |
Aziza Messaoudi Faculty of medicine Ibn Al-Jazzar Sousse (FMS) Department of Microbiology. Telephone: 00216 73222108 Email: messaoudi.aziza@gmail.com |
Charles MasembeMakerere University, College of Natural Sciences Department of Entomology and Fisheries Sciences. Telephone: 00256 707 455587. Email: charles.masembe@mak.ac.ug |
Robinson Odong Makerere University, College of Natural Sciences Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences. Telephone: 00256 772 920965. Email: robinson.odong@mak.ac.ug |
Peter Akoll Makerere University, College of Natural Sciences Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences. Telephone: 00256 774 438 131. Email: peter.akoll@mak.ac.ug |
Johnson Mayega Makerere University, College of Natural Sciences Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences. Telephone: 00256 784 495322. Email: johnson.mayega@mak.ac.ug |
John Omara Makerere University, College of Natural Sciences Department of Biochemistry and Sports Sciences. Telephone: 00256 772 854603. Email: john.omara@mak.ac.ug |